Improving Care for Kids

A Shared Commitment to Improving Care for Kids

KidWell Network is a physician-led clinically integrated network of providers and health care systems dedicated exclusively to kids. We recently rebranded to KidWell from Delaware Valley Children’s Network to more strongly convey our commitment to improving children’s care through wellness and prevention, coordination of services and data-driven decision making. Our goal: collaborating across Delaware and beyond to develop and implement evidence-based, data-driven clinical initiatives that improve outcomes, increase efficiency and access, and reduce costs. Together we will prepare for the future of value-based health care — providing high-quality care to kids of all ages and an enhanced experience for patients, their families and providers.

Better Care. Healthier Kids. Reduced Costs.

  • better outcomes — healthier children across the state, from birth through adolescence
  • increased focus on preventive care
  • improved, more proactive care coordinated across the continuum of primary, specialty and inpatient care
  • increased access to care and support services for all children’s conditions — acute and chronic, simple and complex
  • reduced redundancies and gaps in care

Benefits to Participating Providers

  • clinical integration amongst network participants
  • focus on quality over volume
  • shared resources and processes (e.g., population health management IT software, clinical standard pathways, quality data and reporting)
  • shared savings (e.g., group purchasing to reduce overhead from vaccines, equipment, etc.)
  • jointly negotiated managed care contracts — aligning payments and incentives with performance and care quality